
situation in IRAN, at first, raised from topography in high pressure
region next to continent. Normally, we accept, the countries located in
high pressure regions, have dry and semidry weather and life depends on
these conditions. But some of Tectonic factors including: foldings of
first, second, and third period of geology caused to become IRAN as one of
the highest plateaues in the world .In our extensive country 5% region
protected by subsist Environment Safeguarding Organization, that
including National Parks, Wild nature shelters and Ijternational and
national protective areas. In
addition, existence of the biggest lake in north (1200 kilometers Sea shore
with Persian Gulf), 50 lakes in side the country.
and the biggest salty lake, isone of the 59 life reseruoirs in the
world. The luxuriant and dense forests locats located in north and
west of Mazandaran are considered as the ancient ones.The biggest Kavir (DASHT KAVIR) and
and the existence of extensive deserts which wind blowing sand and hot
weather air amongest their specifications. These are various customs and
rules and diffenrent living styles in thousands years according to Iran's climate
(e.g decamping
method), existence of two mountainous race grounds covering an area of 500
square kilometers and nearly 100/000 km. Covered by forest race grounds,
the possibility of doing sports (water and mountainou) simultaneously in a
season, scope changes of
heights changes from 26 up to 5671 meter and changes of temperature from –35
up to +50 centigrade, existence of one of the biggest sweet water Lakes) ( HAMOUN),495
kinds of recognized birds that's equal to all birds in
Europe except polar birds: existence of 148 kinds of the mammals, more
than 250 kinds of recognized fishes and also 8000 kinds of recognized Herbs
and nearly equal to Europe types of Herbs.
of lagoons, pools, ponds, water falls, lakes, views, gardens, plains,
rice-fields, fountains, hunting-grounds, cold and warm mineral springs,
islands, peninsulas, archipelagoes, caves, villages. All above mentioned
phenomenon’s caused to every one believes is miraculous Iran's eco-tourism
and accept this phrase that “IRAN Is All The World In One Border”.
our great honor that you accept our invitation”
